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•   Donna Krakowian (Crisp)  2/12
•   Nancy Schallitz (Grubb)  9/23
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•   Lawrence Bryer (Bryer)  5/18
•   Jeffrey Fox  5/4
•   Peggi John (Adams)  12/13
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•   Steve Moroney  8/28
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If you couldn't get enough of seeing old friends last year at our 50th, Mark DeBolt, class of 1973, extends a friendly invitation to all classes to come enjoy a get-together with friends from other years:

Here are the details for our Deerfield High School 50th Reunion:

WHEN:  Aug 18 & 19th, 2023.  The 18th is an "open bar" night and is going to be held in the lobby of the hotel (see below).  The 19th is an open bar followed with a dinner...similar to before.  We will start at 6PM both nights until closing (midnight).

WHERE: Marriott Renaissance Chicago North Shore Hotel,  933 Skokie Boulevard, Northbrook, Illinois, USA, 60062  (SAME PLACE AS BEFORE)

(1) 847-498-6500

GETTING THERE: The hotel does not have a shuttle that services O'Hare or Midway.  They are recommending guests check with Uber or Lyft first as the taxi’s are charging 1.5x the meter or about $75 one way just from O'Hare.  O'Hare-Midway Limousine service told me they charge about $80 for a single person (one way) and if four people shared the ride, it would be about $130 total for all four. Call ahead and double check their costs (Ohare-Midway Limousine:  312-558-1111).

The hotel does have a shuttle that will take people to Dfd or HP and drop them off but the service is limited to about 5 miles from the hotel. 

ARE ROOMS AVAILABLE?: Yes, $109.00 per night plus taxes for Aug. 17, 18, 19th & 20th (checkout the 21st).  Mention that it is event room pricing associated with the DHS reunion being held at their site on those dates. To help the Marriott reservation agents to find the right rate, you may need to give the agent the Hotel Code which is "CHINB" and the room rate code is "DHS". With that information, the Marriott system should pull up the $109.00 rate.  Call 1800-627-7468 or 847-498-6500.  If they ask, do note that Marriott has in their own system that the property is located in both Highland Park and Northbrook.  If you have difficulty, please reach out to me ASAP (DeBolt Cell: 847-219-3396). 

ARE TICKETS AVAILABLE YET:  Yes, but you will only need a ticket for Saturday night due to dinner and etc.  Friday night is simply walk in/open bar.  There are no tickets needed on Friday.  The ticket price for Saturday night is $85.00.  Higher than I want, but the hotel has kicked the boots off of its pricing.

For the Saturday night event, please send a check for $85.00 per person to Mark DeBolt, 1004 Rebecca Lane, Potlatch, ID  83855 by July 30.  You can also pay via Zelle by sending $88.00 to my phone number (847-219-3396.  Its more to cover the extra costs.). Please send me an email if you would so I know to look for your check/Zelle payment. I am not planning on taking money at the door because the hotel needs headcount to plan for food. It's also a hassle and thank goodness Yvonne Fritsen and her daughter jumped in and helped me out last time, but its not what I want to focus on the night of the reunion. If it turns out you can't make it and have already paid early, send me an email and I will gladly cut you a check back.  If we could “Be like Nike”, and (please) "Just do it" (now)! ðŸ¤£  Again, all checks should be mailed by July 30 so there is time for them to be delivered.

Everyone wants to know who is attending.  Unless directed by email for me not to publish your name, I plan on publishing the names of the classmates who have purchased a ticket.

EVENTS BETWEEN NOW AND THE REUNION: Work on accepting the fact that its been 50 years since we graduated high school.  Priceless!


1) SPREAD THE WORD AND SIGN UP EARLY!.  Pass this email to at least 10 of your friends and ask them to do the same and then again.

2) Send me anyone's email address that needs to be added to the distribution/update list. When you learn of someone that hasn’t been getting my emails, it is because they are not on the distribution list and I need their (updated) email address to be included on the notes.  

3) Let me know soon if you plan on attending.  I will need to give the hotel est. head counts for food. 

4) Someone I think is taking on the task of arranging a tour of the High School on Saturday.   I will publish an update if it becomes available.

WHO ALL IS INVITED:  Any DHS or HPH student and their friends, spouses, siblings and etc (all years/all classes).  We all had friends in other classes and in HP.  For Saturday night I just ask that the other classmates and friends alike also plan ahead and have a dinner ticket. Otherwise the hotel will ding me personally. 

WHAT IS BEING SERVED FOR DINNER:  It will be a beef carving station with sides and dessert. Similar our earlier events in 2010 & 2013.

IN MEMORY :  This list is why we do reunions. The following are the classmates that passed away when we ran the last reunion (2013).  The list needs to be updated and the only way I can do that is for people to tell me the names of the classmates that have passed that are not on our "In Memory" list below.  Statistically the list should be about twice as big. Please let me know any names that we need to add.  Its sobering to think someday it will simply be the whole class.  So lets make a memory while we can.  Its a privilege that we have the opportunity to see each other again when others don’t. Lets be like Nike! 

Jay Bachmann

Mark Belk

Phil Biega

Don Biggam

Barry Boche (Missing?)

Gayle Carlson
Andy Clifton
Rozzie Cohen
Dan Cortopassi
Cathy Craig
Pete DeBartolo
Robert Doetsch Jr.
Jim Ford
Jack Garrett
Stephen Getz
Linda Glickman
Michael Greenlee
Scott Hayden

Mike Horstman

Emily Johnson

Debra Keller

Terry Kelling

Anne Kernahan
Steven Kondracsek
Bob Lapointe
Mark Liddy
Dave Lindquist
Karen Linns
Peter Lyall
Brad McCarthy

Scott McDermott

Cindy Manfredini

Pam Meadow
Terry Morkin
Marc Newberger
Robert Olsen
Lee Ornstein

Patti Panzke


Polly RobinsonDiane Rockelman
Joseph Rogers
Penny Roseman
Karen Sandonato
Dave Scheskie
Richard Schwermin
Mike Seaman
Randy Smeltzer
Ralph Southerton

KyAnne Sponberge
Shelia Traecy (?)

Chris Tuttie


Wendall Valiant
Jill Von Newenhizen
Dan Wacholder
Tom Wahl
Dave Walstrom
Valerie Walker
Alan Weber
Carol Weichmann
Terry Yasdick

Mark DeBolt


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EMBASSY SUITES: A night that spilled over into the next morning... Lots more pix on our Facebook page and we'll be setting up a photo gallery soon. Please send DJ Long your best shots. and PLEASE TAKE THE SURVEY about your experience.

You can watch a video from the Mooney bench dedication: 

Wilmot kids Lynn, Emily & Larry

Alan, Joe, Gomer & Peter. Looking dapper!

Andrea (voted most likely to make a fortune), Steve (voted best looking) and Steve.

Julie (prom queen) Marilyn, a husband, Jan

BAR NIGHT AT LANDMARK IN: 45 degrees but lots of warm hugs!

PS: More pix on our Facebook page. Please leave public comments there, and send private correspondence or questions to the committee here. Thank you, and take care!